Ten Minutes for Driving Episode 9

In this week's episode of Ten Minutes for Driving, Mike talks Watts and Woods moving to Toronto, the early days of free agency, and more!

Ten Minutes for Driving Episode 9
Photo by Alex Zabavsky / Unsplash

Hello everyone! It's Monday, which means it's time for another ten to fifteen minutes of Mike Murphy babbling to himself about women's hockey in his car at an ungodly hour. This show is all about free agency and Mike messing up player names he's said and written dozens of times before because he's just a sleepy little guy.

This podcast is available only to paid subscribers of The Ice Garden. This show is completely unedited and might feature spicy language on occasion. Also, wild animals. There are frequently animals interrupting the recording. It's a whole thing.

In this episode you can listen to Mike discuss Daryl Watts and Emily Woods moving to Toronto, a few of the re-signing we know about, the rising tide of retirements, and some fragmented thoughts about a developmental league. This is definitely one of the show where it is evident that there's no script or editing, let's just leave it at that.

Ten Minutes for Driving Episode 9

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