A 100% Scientific Look at Five International Club Logos

"Every great design begins with an even better story."

A 100% Scientific Look at Five International Club Logos

During my eight years as a sportswriter I've found myself consistently drawn to a number of subjects, like Nordic hockey, social justice, and equity for non-cisgender athletes. I've also found myself fascinated by some choices in team logos.

Now, I'm not a graphic designer. I am, however, a big fan of committing to the bit. I like it when a team's design department says "fuck it, we ball," because sports are supposed to be fun and there's no reason why its marketing can't follow suit. With that in mind, I've compiled a list of five nifty hockey logos from around the world. I've also enlisted my colleague and jersey design aficionado LJ Bachenheimer for her unique takes. Let's get into it.