Five Questions With Amy Budde

The former pro and new head coach on lessons learned, travel, and Taylor Swift.

Five Questions With Amy Budde
Amy Budde. (Photo Credit: Dan Rice/The Ice Garden)

Amy Budde has quite the resume. Following four years at Lake Forest College (DIII), Budde continued her playing career in the SDHL, joined the PHF for two seasons with the Buffalo Beauts, and played across Europe with an Austrian EWHL team. This was in addition to working in coaching, communications, and consulting (and being a Twitter icon). Recently, Budde was named head coach of the team she captained in college at Lake Forest. The Foresters begin their season next month, so amidst preparation for her team’s first games, TIG got a chance to chat with Amy Budde about her career, what she’s looking toward, and more. 

The Ice Garden: First things first, congratulations on your new job! How does it feel going back to coach at your alma mater? What are you looking to bring to Lake Forest for this season?

Amy Budde: For me, it’s hard to put exactly into words how meaningful it is to be back at Lake Forest in this new capacity. I hope to bring my passion for the game to the student-athletes, and build on and continue to cultivate a culture of success on and off the ice, and a constant pursuit of excellence.

TIG: You’ve worn a lot of hats in the hockey world, from playing collegiate and professional hockey in the US and professionally in Europe as well, to being a player advisor for Hecate Sports Group, to coaching. What would you say is the most important lesson you’ve learned across your experiences?

Budde: The most important lesson I’ve learned throughout my hockey experiences would be that above all, the person always comes first.

TIG: Who have been your greatest mentors or role models in your career?

Budde: I always really looked up to my grandma. She was the fiercest friend to all and a lifelong learner, curious and passionate about exploring the world in her own way. My college coach Carisa Zaban also had a huge impact on me as a person, leader, and hockey player, and I’m grateful for the experiences and time I was able to be coached by her.

TIG: Having played hockey across Europe, what was the coolest place you got to travel to? Do you have a favorite travel story?

Budde: I think everywhere I’ve been is amazing in its own way, and there are so many incredible memories, but I don’t think I could share just one! Whale watching, dogsledding, and feeding elephants were pretty fantastic though! I also loved Stockholm and it will always hold a special place in my heart.

TIG: You’re a noted Swiftie, so what Taylor Swift song would you say is your personal anthem and why?

Budde: I do LOVE Taylor Swift. I would say “All Too Well (Ten Minute Version)” because I just have so many amazing memories with friends singing that song, crying to that song, and talking about that song!